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KHQ Anchor Reel
Reel Notes:
:00-2:14 - Variety of standups
2:14-11:10 - A block
11:10 - 13:15 - Packages and special projects:
11:10 - 17:00 - Long form package, exclusive interview where sheriff and daughter share more about daughter's fentanyl addiction, for the first time. Shot by two photographers, produced and edited by me. Week long turn.
17:00 - 20:52 - Lead story for one year special on Moscow murders. Written, produced, edited, etc. by me. 5 day turn.
20:52 - 23:12 - Day turn package on mayoral candidate accusations. Written by me, shot and edited by photographer. About an 45 minute turn on my end. 23:12 - 24:25 - Day turn package on local pup in "Puppy Bowl". Written by me, interview shot and edited by photographer. About a 30 minute turn on my end.)
KING Producer Reel
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